One Productive Day

So after a great week, Avelea decided she was going to be a bit clingy today, but somehow, I got a lot done!

To begin, yesterday, I downloaded How To Make Iced Coffee and decided to try cold brewing coffee. It’s not hard, you just have to plan ahead. To start, you put 1/4 c. of coffee grounds and 1 c. cold water to sit for 10+ hours. The eBook says you can do it in any container and strain it, or you can put the grounds in a filter that you dip into the water. I did mine in my french press over night.

Then this morning I pressed it and put it in a coffee cup to refrigerate and save for later…

It’s Thursday

And I haven’t posted all week. It’s been a good week so far, a very happy baby after we got her naps under control. She also turned 3 months old yesterday!

To celebrate, she has slept a record 11 hours at night, rolled from her tummy to her back, laughed and sat in her bumbo! She was a very busy little girl!

Target Trip and a Crabby Baby

Yesterday was a busy day:

  • Work meeting at the church.
  • Other work party – Field Agent is 2 years old!!
  • Target
  • Sonic for half priced drinks!
  • Make sure Allstate took sold car off of insurance
  • Buy a Sunday paper (luckily they still have them on a Tuesday)
  • Take half price drink to hubby
  • Chat with Vonda
  • Take walk with hubby
  • Finally home to make and eat dinner

Spring Cleaning

Since we’ve had the windows open for the past 2 or 3 days, I’ve begun to get some spring fever! Today, I decided to spend my afternoon finishing what I started weeks ago: cleaning out my closet. After having a baby, there are maternity clothes to go through, put away, give back to their rightful owners… and a few to keep out, at least for a little while. Unfortunately, you can’t just go back to wearing all your old clothes right away, for some, not ever, so I had to go through everything else, trying it all on and figuring out. I came up with a few other categories: clothes that fit, clothes I’d like to fit again, clothes that there is no hope for, and clothes that just don’t quite fit the same anymore…