It’s a new year and every talks about New Years Resolutions. Most of us have broken them by this time. I don’t really get into them because, let’s be honest, if I need to start something new, I’m not magically going to stick to it just because it’s January. But it does cause me to think about what I hope to accomplish in the next year. Most of it is the same old stuff that I’m constantly working on, because life is work. For record sake, here are a few of those things I’m looking forward to:
-Potty training the toddler
-Decorating the guest room
-Going to bed on time (yikes, this one is a toughie)
-Figuring out a cleaning routine that works for me
-Going on a cruise with the hubby!
-Kindergarten in the fall
We’re also really passionate about budgeting and we are looking forward to sharing that passion with our friends and family, which we’ve already had some opportunities to do recently. I don’t say this from a prideful place of “we’ve got it all together” or we’re somehow the all knowing budgeters, but from a place of humility. I know from personal experience the fear and weight debt can place on a family. But I also know the freedom and clarity that budgeting can afford as well. I want that feeling for everyone I know. I don’t want you to be walking around with constant guilt and regret about your spending habits, but to make your choices with confidence, knowing you have a plan and everything is covered.
So, things are about to get a little financial around here. In a good way. I want to post about things that can be helpful for taking control of your money. First off, what even is a budget? Then, where do I even start?