Rice Jars… with Sharpie!

Today, while putting away groceries, I discovered that my bags of rice take up a ridiculous amount of unnecessary room by laying all over the cabinet. So I went on a quest to find some containers that would maintain their upright shape while storing rice. Initially, I thought tupperware because it would be easier to scoop out a cup or two, but, alas, I have rid myself of all unnecessary tupperware and cannot spare one of my containers because we have exactly the right amount for typical weekly use.

However, while scouring the tupperware/container cabinet, I discovered that I have several glass jars… perfect for standing upright. But they needed a little “sprucing” up…

How To Make A Boot Pattern

I have this sparkly flannel that I used for some baby shoes and I have been dying to make boots. Boots are a little more involved, but every tutorial or template I found (that was free, because I’m frugal) wasn’t […]

A Few Fun Projects

Just a couple of projects I’ve been working on lately.

I haven’t touched my basil in a few weeks. When I went out to check on it earlier this week, it was out of control! So I made pesto!


The fun part about this is how I chopped it before putting it in the food processor. (If you have a small one like mine, this is a crucial step.) […]

Time Budget

This whole time budget thing seems to be working ok, but last week was kind of a bad week to judge it. We left for Little Rock on Thursday morning and Tuesday and Wednesday were spent preparing to leave (aka […]