Freezer Burritos

Because of our fun adventure of the $30/week challenge, we have been exploring quite a few new dinner options. So I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done lately, starting with the freezer burritos that I talked about making some for so long. I finally made them! But I have to be honest, I found this recipe over on (Thanks!!). So don’t give me the credit if you try them and like them.

Week 5: Menu

This week Ansen and I actually sat down and made a menu out of the stuff we already have. While he was antsy for us to go watch a Big Bang Theory episode, we stuck it out and actually came up with enough meals for the week. Here’s what we’ve had/will be having this week:

Week 5: Shopping again…

Well… this should have been posted last Friday, but then some things happened (we – Avelea and I – made a quick trip to Kansas for my great grandma’s funeral). I’m a little behind on my posting, so I may be doing multiple postings. You might want to keep checking back so you don’t miss one. Anyways… we have some stuff left from the previous trip, so this trip was a little easier, but still tight. I shouldn’t have gone hungry though, because it was hard to tell myself “no” time and time again! Also, poor miss Avie was ready to be done before we even made it to the last store. :(