Challenge Complete!

It’s officially over! The $30/week challenge is over! I have proved we could do it and depleted our stores in the process, but it was a good cleansing. At last update I had $10 cash. I now know why I don’t use cash: I have no way to account for it. If I spend a dollar here and a couple at a garage sale… I don’t have any way to go back and track it.

Anyways… $10. With that $10 I spent $2.09 on a gallon of milk, $1.04 on tortillas, and $6 toward a dresser (the one I still need to post about). I have $.38 left and I guess the rest probably went toward tolls from last weekend. So basically I had a surplus of $6.87!!! Can you believe that I not only fed both of us on $30/week, but that I had $6.87 left over!?! I can’t.

Declaring our Independence…

from travel. This past week we have spent 14 hours on the road. It wouldn’t be so bad, except we have a baby who hates the car and doesn’t sleep for more than an hour. Needless to say, we are happy to be done traveling for a while. So happy, in fact, that we did pretty much nothing Saturday. Avie was the only one who got dressed today and that was only because she had a blow-out in her jammies.

But that is not to say that we didn’t enjoy our time with our family! To begin with, we went to Wichita to see my (Dri) family. My grandma was visiting at my parents the whole time, so we got to spend time with her. Apparently she used to always make cream puffs, but I don’t remember ever having her cream puffs. I guess she stopped making them at some point. BUT she made some for us and the were quite tasty! AND now I not only have the recipe, but I also watched her make them, so I can do it too!