The Garden: Planted?

Finally got my garden box planted!! I had a free hour Sunday afternoon and tackled it pretty easily.

In the front right hand corner is some oregano that my sweet mom-in-law bought me this past weekend. (Look! I planted it Sunday, just like I said I would!) In the middle in the front, I planted some basil seeds. (I have basil growing in a pot, but it’s not growing very well, so maybe a do over is in order… or maybe I’ll just have twice as much!) And to the left in the front, I planted chives seeds. The middle is currently bare (why I planted the outsides first, I don’t really know), but as soon as I can get to Walmart, I plan to buy some spinach and lettuce.  And last, but not least, along the back I planted my tomato plants!!

Growin’ that Garden

Monday during Avie’s naptime I finally made some progress on our garden box. Andrew and Arielle brought us a bunch of dirt from excavating their backyard and it needed to go into the box.

And this was after I had moved quite a bit. Oh, and yeah, that’s Seifer, just eating a rock he found in the pile…

How Does Your Garden Grow?

This post could also be called, “Being faithful in the small things?”

I always get excited in spring. It’s so full of potential. The expectation of things to come: flowers, leaves on trees… warmer weather! (For one who hates being cold, this is ALWAYS an exciting thing!) In my hopeful state, I always seem to get a little over zealous with what I think I can accomplish…