One Productive Weekend

I am still behind on my cleaning (which ends in 2 days) and I don’t know if “catching up” is really doable now. I may just have to keep going into May. BUT we did have a super productive weekend! […]

Fresh Pesto Pizza

Alright my friends, the first post of our new series: meals under $3! I’m going to be keeping track of several meals a week to see how they match up with the $3 goal. Some might be what you’d expect, […]

Dried Tomatoes

Yesterday’s adventure: drying tomatoes. We have quite a crop of tomatoes coming in our garden, but we don’t eat fresh tomatoes, so I’ve had to come up with some fun ways to use them! We love sun dried tomatoes in […]

Braving The Great Outdoors

Yesterday I intentionally posted nothing. You know why? Because that’s what we did. Absolutely nothing. I didn’t even get dressed until 6:30pm. But… today made up for that. While Avie was napping, we weeded the entire front bed: And then […]

FIVE Months of Love

Today, my baby is FIVE months old! And we are having a lot more fun! I find that the older she gets, the more fun she is. Now she’s rolling over and actually on purpose. She’s pushing up on her elbows. She’s laughing (mostly at the puppy). She’s sleeping through the night. And just last week we started trying some solid foods. Just rice cereal, but she’s actually doing pretty good!