Week 5: Shopping again…

Well… this should have been posted last Friday, but then some things happened (we – Avelea and I – made a quick trip to Kansas for my great grandma’s funeral). I’m a little behind on my posting, so I may be doing multiple postings. You might want to keep checking back so you don’t miss one. Anyways… we have some stuff left from the previous trip, so this trip was a little easier, but still tight. I shouldn’t have gone hungry though, because it was hard to tell myself “no” time and time again! Also, poor miss Avie was ready to be done before we even made it to the last store. :(

Week 3: Shopping For June

Ok, so here’s the thing. I was using cash this month… and then I realized that Discover is doing 5% back on GROCERY STORES until May 31st!! What was I thinking!?! Maybe the $30/week challenge should have waited until June. Anyways, to make the most of the rest of the 5%, I decided to use my Discover Card and do another $60 that I wouldn’t use until next week when we get back from Memorial Weekend plans. Technically, I started this Thursday, May 11th (or maybe even Wednesday) so we are technically past our 2 weeks. Anyways, I went shopping and here’s what I got…

Week 2: Menu

Well, we’ve had more than a week down. (When did I actually start this challenge?) This is what we have left on our Menu board:

  • Chili dogs and/or Fries – (Had these Saturday for lunch) Maybe not the healthiest meal, but we stocked up on Alexia potato products when Harps had them 2/$5 and they had $1 printables, making them $1.50 each. We also had a can of chili in the cabinet and plenty of cheese left over from last month’s Sam’s trip! (We use a lot of cheese.) And we happened to have some hot dogs left from last month too.
  • Tacos – (Had these Sunday for dinner) Yet another left over thing: taco shells. This includes the ground beef from Sam’s, beans left from last month, lettuce from the church garden, cheese from last month’s Sam’s trip and maybe even some tomatoes (if there are any left from Aldi).

Week 1(?): Menu

Last week I did quite a bit of shopping to prepare for 2 weeks worth of meals. If you missed what I bought you can find it here. Here are some of the meals I have already come up with:

  • Red Sauce Pasta – Pretty basic idea we had this last Thursday night. Ansen made the penne from Target, used one can of red sauce & added some left over mushrooms and frozen spinach and ground beef.
  • Bruschetta – Inspired from Rachel Ray Every Day magazine I got a free subscription to a while back, though I did my own spin. This is where 1 can of tomatoes, part of a bell pepper and the french loaf bread come in. We actually had this Saturday and Sunday for lunch!

Week 1(?): Using Cash for Groceries

This week I began my $30/week grocery budget challenge so I can save the rest to go toward my outrageous dental bill from last week. It’s sort of retroactive, in that I hope to only spend $120 for the whole month of May even though I’m starting in the middle, and it does include any previous food that we have stocked up from last month. (That’s why there’s a “?” next to week 1, because it’s more like week 2 1/2, but it’s just the beginning.)