Switching Rooms

Oh my long neglected blog. It’s been months (months!?!) since I’ve written. Holy cow. So this has been a long time coming. But after we found out that baby #2 was coming and there wasn’t much of a chance of a bigger home right now, we decided to switch the office and Avie’s bedroom because the office is slightly bigger for sharing.

The good news is that the gray chevron that we spent forever on still works well for a little girls room. In fact, before we knew that we’re having a second girl, we knew that the gray chevron would be versatile enough to be a boy/girl room if need be.

We didn’t really have to do much but move things and put up all the existing decorations. There weren’t any added expenses, but I think it turned out pretty cute.


Perks of the 2nd Trimester

We’ve been cruising in the second trimester for a while and I’m quite happy to be here. There are actually quite a few perks of being in this sweet spot.

– Less nausea and no throwing up (at least for me)
– Starting to feel kicks and movement
– Not yet the size of a house
– Actually being able to wear cute maternity clothes
– Beginning to get excited about baby #2
– Finding out the gender

Speaking of gender…

A Big Girl Bed

Nesting this time around does NOT mean sanding and staining a crib and changing table/dresser. Because luckily, I’ve already done that. But it does mean moving big sister into a new big girl bed. The thing is, I didn’t like […]

5 Best and Worst Things to Throw Up

*Warning, this contains graphic descriptions of real life experiences with “nausea and vomiting of pregnancy” (which is the technical medical name). Reader discretion advised. Particularly if you don’t have kids yet.

You know that feeling when you’ve had the flu for like a week and you are staring to feel sort of “normal” again? But you’re still very cautiously optimistic about it? Like, you’re suddenly ravenous, but you’re still afraid to eat anything but chicken noodle soup for another day? And you feel like sitting up, but there’s just a tiny lingering of the dizziness, but you actually got dressed today?

That’s kind of how I’m starting to feel. Only it wasn’t a week of the flu, it was like, 10 weeks of … well… nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (aka “morning” sickness). I think I can finally start to find the humor in it. Maybe. So as a guide for others, I’ve decided to write down some of my findings. Namely, the best, and worst things to throw up.

First Trimester Recap

It is officially the second trimester, which means it’s time to recap the first one! Which pretty much sucked. I mean, we were certainly excited with the positive test. And we still are! But… throwing up every other day… not […]