Sew Sue Me

I spent some time today playing with this beautiful face: I almost caught her scrunching up her nose, her new favorite way to smile! And working on some sewing projects I’ve been putting off: I got this cute scoopneck tee on sale […]

Finding a solution

Well I’ve/We’ve been extra productive the last week or so. Wednesday Ansen had to burn a vacation day. It was super hot and I thought it’d be fun to go swimming, but he said it was “too hot to swim”. (Come again? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when it’s hot?!?) So instead, we cleaned the garage. It was kind of a back up plan because we were supposed to pull weeds from the back flower bed or the front flower bed… but Avie woke up as we were heading outside. So, we opted for the garage (for the shade) where she could hang out with us for a bit before her next nap… which was sooner than normal since her nap was short! I wish I had a before picture, but here’s the after…

15 Minute Miracle

Ok, not literally, but it’s amazing what you can do in 15 minutes! I have recently discovered the 15 minute clean and rediscovered the “power nap” and it has made quite an improvement to our days.

First of all, here’s how the 15 minute clean works: once the baby is down for their nap (especially if they take a few minutes to cry themselves to sleep like mine does), pick one room that needs to be picked up, set the kitchen timer for 15 minutes and get to work. When the timer goes off, you can keep cleaning if you feel so inclined, but even if not, you’ve probably done quite a bit. A little bit each nap adds up to quite a bit.

One Productive Day

So after a great week, Avelea decided she was going to be a bit clingy today, but somehow, I got a lot done!

To begin, yesterday, I downloaded How To Make Iced Coffee and decided to try cold brewing coffee. It’s not hard, you just have to plan ahead. To start, you put 1/4 c. of coffee grounds and 1 c. cold water to sit for 10+ hours. The eBook says you can do it in any container and strain it, or you can put the grounds in a filter that you dip into the water. I did mine in my french press over night.

Then this morning I pressed it and put it in a coffee cup to refrigerate and save for later…