Kumquat Week!!
This week is the 10th week of pregnancy… which means that Kumquat is roughly the size of… A KUMQUAT!! It’s like he/she is extra kumquatty. The nausea seems to be subsiding… somewhat. I still have to eat about every 2 […]
This week is the 10th week of pregnancy… which means that Kumquat is roughly the size of… A KUMQUAT!! It’s like he/she is extra kumquatty. The nausea seems to be subsiding… somewhat. I still have to eat about every 2 […]
Here you will get to follow along w/ my pregnancy adventure! Kumquat and I are about eight weeks along on our little journey. Things are going great thus far, excepting the random sleepiness, nausea, and mood swings (the husband […]