What To Do While Not Spending Money

For March, we did a financial freeze. So what do you do when you’re not spending money? Well, you’re spending time… doing something. The more busy you are, the less time you have to spend money. Can I get an […]

Back in the 40’s

A couple of weekends ago, we had a Decade party at church. I knew lots of people would be recent decades, the 70’s and 80’s are fun, but everyone will be doing it. So, I went for the 40’s mobster, […]

No Thanks to Punxsutawney Phil

The weather has very much so not been cooperating. Ideal painting conditions would above 50degrees, or at least that in my garage. While Puxsatawney has been teasing us with not seeing his shadow (thus we should be getting an early […]

Organizing The Office

One of my “new years resolutions” (if you will…) was to re-design our office/guest room/craft room into a more functional and usable space. I use the term resolution lightly because it was more like, this is the next big thing I […]

Recent Projects

Ok, I use that term “recent” loosely. Some of these have been done for a while, like well before Christmas. A friend of mine had a gender reveal party/baby shower. The twist was that all of the guests found out […]