And Again…

To answer my wife’s question, I’ve returned to write a new blog post. I’m going to start a new blog, in addition to this one. Why? So I can have two. Why would I have two if I can’t even […]

I Guess…

This is my new blog.  Eh.  Let’s take the guesswork out of it.  I know this is my new blog.  I’ve made the decision to retire my old blog.  Because I haven’t written there consistently for such a long time, […]

God is not Advil

Dri and I have recently made a new committment to do devotions together as a couple each morning. Today we read/talked about Joseph. The reading was talking about staying away from temptation, but as often happens with me – I […]

Darn Spammers…

As I am prone to do occaisionally, I went back through some old blog posts and read them again – just for the fun of it. But you know what I found? Spam. Lots and lots of spam. Apparently, in […]