Easter and Cleaning Confessions

April 2, 2013

by — Posted in Baby, Life at Home

This was Avie’s second Easter, but the first that she could actually participate. She was super cute in her Easter dress (thanks Nana!) and she mildly enjoyed picking up eggs.


It took a few seconds of convincing to get her to pick up an egg, but then she picked up a second and was completely content to have her 2 eggs.


More convincing and she put them in the bucket (again, thanks Nana) and picked up a few more. Then… she was pretty done.


We had a pretty eventful Easter with lunch at the Pastor’s house afterward with some college kiddos and then dinner with Ansen’s co-host and the 2nd Pink Panther movie. Also, she made some killer salted caramel brownie bites!


So now it’s April and hopefully soon spring will get the idea that the year is moving on and it better get in gear. To help it along, my mom-in-law and I (mostly her… she convinced me ;) are participating in MoneySavingMom’s 30-Day House Cleaning Challenge. Unfortunately, yesterday I woke up sick. Like tummy turning, can’t eat anything, just want to lay on the couch kind of sick. Luckily, I did not throw up… but miss Avie did in the morning. So, I guess that made 2 of us. I managed to do my online work… but alas, there was no way I was going to clean anything. I didn’t even get dressed, let alone do dishes.

But today, I have made up for it. While I’m still feeling a little weak, I’m definitely not on the verge of up-chucking. Just to prove to myself that it was doable, I set a timer for 20 minutes and cleaned the living room. I almost got all the surfaces wiped when it went off too. Then I vacuumed because our floors were in desperate need.

Let me just take a moment to say, I have a confession: I hate vacuuming. It’s really not that bad once I actually have the vacuum out and stuff, but I really, really hate the idea of vacuuming. I cannot make myself drag that sucker out (pun intended) until I am stepping on pieces of plastic that the dog has chewed off his toy for several days and even then, it’s a challenge. I don’t know why I have such an aversion. Our living room isn’t that big. Our vacuum isn’t that heavy (unlike my mom’s growing up). It’s just a thing I have.

Ok, so back to the list. So surface cleaning living room and kitchen was yesterday’s and today’s task is bathroom cleaning. Yet another thing I rarely do. I know, I’m a terrible person, but when I say rarely, I mean, like once a month… if I’m lucky. I’ll spare you the gory details. However, I did just clean my bathroom pretty good about 2 weeks ago (after a very long time of not!), so it wasn’t so bad. And, no one, except guests, use the other one. Here’s the kicker though, there have been like… 4 people total who brushed their teeth in that sink and there were seriously more toothpaste splatters on the mirror than our bathroom. I’m beginning to seriously doubt my ability to brush my teeth, ’cause I’m pretty sure getting toothpaste on the mirror is like a requirement.

Tomorrow’s task: surface clean the bedrooms. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to vacuum… because both of those rooms are pretty terrible too. Why does Seifer insist on chewing the little orange plastic things off his toys and leaving them EVERYWHERE? I’ll let you know how it goes.