Finally… Christmas. I know it was like forever ago, and you’ve totally slept since then and done alike a million things. Life is moving on and everyone is on with their New Years resolutions. Walmart packed up their Christmas stuff the day of and the weights, plastic totes and yoga mats magically appeared. But, we still have not shared our fabulous, extended Christmas that spread from December 14th until December 27th. And frankly, we’re still recovering!
To begin, we headed to my family’s (those are their gifts wrapped on the ledge above) in Wichita the weekend my college sister (won’t be able to say that for long, ’cause she won’t be the only one!) was free from classes. We deemed Saturday (December 15th) to be our Christmas together. But, at the sisters’ request, we only opened gifts to or from us, so they could still open things on Christmas. Avie wore her Christmas pajamas and Santa sent a special present for Grandma’s house a little ahead of time, because he knew we’d be there:
Adam and Avie got a farm house with all kinds of fun animals!
After the traditional biscuits and gravy breakfast, and a nap, Avie got to wear her Santa dress for the special occasion. This is her very first gift to open. Ever. Not sure she got it. In fact, she mostly got bored.
And a board book! She was pretty into that one. She got lots of other things too, like some bath toys and clothes, socks and a stuffed monkey. Pretty fabulous.
Here’s one of the big gifts we (the 2 kids with kids) got our parents. And when I say big… I mean it’s actually slightly bigger than life sized. Not sure where they’re going to put it, but hey, that’s not my problem. My problem was figuring out how to put the photo on the foam board located at my brother’s house (20 minutes out of the way) when no one was home, without my mom finding out that we stopped there. But I did!
I got a lot of amazing gifts, including a dress, Dominion (the game) and many other things. One of the ones I am pretty excited about was this bad boy! I actually used it to create one of my last gifts to make, but I’m working on a separate post with some of my favorite gifts (I’ve given) this year.
Apart from the gifts, we had a very sweet time with family, hanging out, eating lots of food, playing games, eating more food, laughing. Memories not easily forgotten, even if I did have a migraine that wouldn’t relent even for 16 total pills throughout the day.
Stay tuned for the Mayan snowpocalypse saga and the daring adventure of Christmas #2!