Good blog post ideas.
Let me set the scene for you real quick. No exaggeration whatsoever when I say that the post I was planning on making today was huge. And not huge as in length, but more along the lines of Justin Beiber among tweens.
The problem is, I can’t remember for the life of me what it was about. I thought of it around lunch time, or maybe dinner. It may or may not have had something to do with my wife, and there was definitely quite possibly a little bit of humor or seriousness involved.
I’m pretty sure the subject was philosophical in nature, something similar to but not necessarily a metaphor for life or death or something that I either like to eat or don’t. I remember thinking when I thought of it, so that’s a start, and I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with nothing.
It really was earth shattering or mildly interesting. I promise.
I hate being forgetful.