Fun Things

April 2, 2007

by — Posted in Ansen Lays it On

I am, from this day forth, to always be referred to as Artie Award Winning Broadcaster Ansen Bayer. :) I won the Artie for Television Production and Performance of the Year. It was fun, I made a little thirty second acceptance speech, and now the Arite sits proudly atop the television in our living room.
The other exciting thing?? Engagement pictures!!! A couple samples are below. (For more, see Facebook!)

2 thoughts on “Fun Things

  1. Thank You, THANK YOU. Yes, I am the mother of the Artie-Award winning Broadcaster Ansen Bayer, and the mother and future mom-in-law of the DARLING couple featured in these photos. I’m so proud!!!

  2. Well…I personally am the FRIEND of the mother of the Artie Award-winning Broadcaster Ansen Bayer. I, too, feel proud, even though I had nothing to do with any of it!

    Great pics, Ansen.


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