Fifteen Minutes Could Save You 15% or More!

June 23, 2007

by — Posted in Ansen Lays it On

Gotta love insurance! Not really…but oh well. I definitely am starting to understand everything a lot better than I used to. Luckily, it looks like auto insurance is going to be significantly cheaper than we had budget, which is super. Not so sure on the health insurance. We’ll see what happens.

I have my first credit card, which is pretty exciting. Capital One Platinum Visa. That’s what’s in my wallet. :) Not only that…it’s blue and pretty.

Other than that, I’m just workin’ away! Speaking of which…I better get on my way! I gotta work at 6:00!

2 thoughts on “Fifteen Minutes Could Save You 15% or More!

  1. Do you have any desire to see blades of glory? It’s showing at the $2 theater if you wanna go on monday, but we can decide if we really want to go later.

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