
May 22, 2007

by — Posted in Ansen Lays it On

I think I almost didn’t realize how much I missed Dri. Having her come up and visit this weekend only confirmed for me even more (if that’s possible) that I want nothing more in life but to spend the rest of it with her.

Even though I think I miss her more this summer than last (again, if that’s possible), this summer is definitely going better. I’ve got a lot of things to look forward to. My birthday is coming up on June 2nd, which is fun. Then I get to go to ERP with Arielle and see my JBU home again in mid-June. Then we have a couples shower near the end of June. Then…comes a wedding!

Only 66 days.

2 thoughts on “Happiness

  1. you’re so cute. I agree that this summer is going better than last summer. I think part of it is that you’re not working yourself to death. And with you in better spirits, I’m in better spirits and the world is just a happier place! And… we’re getting married. That’s probably the main reason ;)

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