It’s a GIRL!!

August 25, 2011

by — Posted in How to Grow a Kumquat

So today we had a sonogram and found out that we are having a girl! For some reason, I thought we were having a boy… but I was wrong. Definitely excited, but I have to adjust to thinking of her as a girl. The more I look at the cute ideas I can use for our girlie nursery, the easier it gets though.

Now, we can narrow down our name list. But don’t get your hopes up, we’re keeping it a secret, assuming we decide before she’s born. Either way, you should know in late January. However, according to her sizes today, she’s about 3 days older than previously thought, so it’s possible she could be 3 days earlier… but I still think January 23rd is a good day for a birthday. Anyways, for now, you can still call her Kumquat. And she say’s “hi”, at least that’s what I think it means when she’s punching me.