Prodromal Labor

Something I’ve been meaning to write about for a while… Prodromal Labor. It used to be called “false labor” but there is nothing false about it. They are real contractions, they just usually aren’t making a ton of progress. I had prodromal labor for several days before the “active” contractions started.

It’s really frustrating because it doesn’t seem like anything is happening, you can’t sleep, and it feels like it will keep going forever, and the thought of it getting worse is completely inconceivable…

Avelea Wren

So, it has been many weeks since I have updated… and my sweet baby is almost 2 weeks old and I haven’t even posted her birth story!

Before I start, I have to say, that I feel like a real mom today. She didn’t want to sleep, so I am currently “wearing” my baby, with a cup of coffee (decaf) beside me, listening to Needtobreathe, blogging, even though I should be sleeping.

Also, as a disclaimer, there may be some gory details you may not want to know, so if you don’t want to hear about it… maybe don’t read on. Second disclaimer, this is long. I don’t know how to be concise…

Baby Bed

I told hubby that baby girl would be 7 years old before I ever finished this bed! The sanding took forever… and then the staining… and then the poly… so long! But here it is in progress: Almost all the […]

The Guest Bath – Finished!

So we started on this project a while ago and it’s been mostly done for a while, but I finally put up the finishing touches, swept and mopped the floor and can officially stamp it “FINISHED!”  Here’s the before: Some […]

Let the count down begin!

One Week. Seven Days. 168 Hours. That’s my due date. I mean, I know that something like only 5% of babies are actually born on their due date… and that first babies are usually late, but I seriously only have […]