Two Things

March 6, 2012

by — Posted in Life at Home

Or maybe three. That’s how many I got done today. And I have decided I am going to be ok with that. I recently read an article that said that people can really only remember 3-4 things in their short term memory for about 20 seconds. Trying to do more will make you forget them all. So, I have decided that rather than trying to get my whole to do list done (which simply cannot happen with a 1 month old), I am going to focus on 3 (maybe 4) things to accomplish every day. If I do, I can confidently say it was a good day.

Today, those things were calling insurance about coverage on preventing any more children (for the time being), making an appointment to use my massage gift card that my awesome husband got me for valentines day, and reconciling my receipts with Check, check, and check. I guess I did get a load of laundry folded, and one moved to the dryer… wait. Nope, that’s still in the washer. I guess I should do that when I’m done here. And I learned something, phone conversations are a little tricky with a little one in the house. You never know when they’ll start screaming and you know it has to be irritating to the person on the other end.

Tomorrow, coupon clipping, Walgreen’s trip and remaining thank you cards. I’ll let you know how that goes!