You make everything glorious. What does that make me?

April 10, 2010

by — Posted in Imago Dei

The first warm Saturday must be Lowe’s favorite day, because the entirety of Siloam was there today. And it’s amazing the amount you can accomplish one beautiful Saturday. Ansen finished edging the lawn. I put the weed and feed on it. We got some new chairs for outside (getting them home was a big challenge!!), some new pots, a welcome mat, and a couple new Japanese Holly (aka Sky Pencils). We proceeded to partake in the hour of happiness at Sonic, and come home to set up our new patio furniture. We didn’t just do it because we have some friends coming over tomorrow, but that was a motivating factor in doing it today instead of next week. Oh, and then we tried to weed the landscaping in the front… but decided we should come in and eat some chicken instead. 

I am proud of our creation. I’m guessing that’s a small piece of how God feels about his creation, about the plants and flowers that will soon be growing in our brightly colored pots, about the warm air currents that made the weather beautiful, about the people he made to enjoy it, about me.