Since my beautiful little Avelea came into our lives, things have been hectic. Crazy. Scattered. Chaos, really. Like space was before God spoke things into existence. Formless and without structure. So, for my own sanity, I’ve been trying to establish a new normal. Coming up with a routine is difficult, sticking to it, nearly impossible. Some days are better than others. But luckily, I’ve had some encouragement from one of my new favorite blogs. I’ve started reading daily and found that she has some very helpful tips.
For starters, she’s doing a month long spring cleaning daily task challenge. I haven’t done a single daily task… but I decided to start with the beginning. That’s usually a good place to start, right? Each day’s assignment starts at the beginning: getting dressed. I have to admit, that right there has been a challenge in and of itself. But, thankfully, she has a link to an ebook I downloaded to my kindle app on my phone (so I can read it in the copious amount of time I spend nursing) – Frumps to Pumps. I ignore all the stuff about weekly goals for now… because I’m still working on getting dressed, after all… and skip right to the “morning routine.”
So there’s where we are: 1) get dressed 2) morning routine
My routine is supposed to go something like this:
8:00am – get up with Avie
8:05am – feed Avie and read part of my daily Bible reading (yay Bible app with reading plans)
8:30am – dress Avie
8:40am – shower/get dressed/get ready for the day while Avie enjoys her bouncy seat
9:00am – eat breakfast
9-10am – check email/read blogs/play/tummy time/other stuff
10:00am – nap time
Today, Avie slept in until 8:30. I still couldn’t keep my eyes open then. I had to drag myself out of bed, and of course brought Avie back to bed with me. Not a good idea. While snuggling was fun, we were late getting started on all of this, which meant her nap wasn’t until 11am. Needless to say, our whole schedule was off and she ended up taking a “nap” from 7:30-10:30pm in her swing as I worked tonight. Now she’s definitely going to be screwed up tonight. And it’s past midnight and I’m not in bed. Why? Because after working all day on Cross Pointe stuff and house stuff, and then working all evening on Field Agent stuff… I needed a creative outlet. And maybe some accountability for tomorrow. That’s why there’s always tomorrow.