I Still Remember When 30 Was Old

That’s from a country song I used to know. (And to be honest, if I thought about it hard enough, I’d probably still remember every word.) But it’s true. I remember thinking 30 would be forever away and, man, I’d be old then. But here I am, turning 30, and I’m not old. Not really at all.



We have much to be thankful for this year. Life, health, provision. But you know, the one thing I am most thankful for, are the people in my life. Over the past few years we developed some wonderful friendships and even more recently, been able to take the friendships even deeper.

It’s a Kumquat!

Hello there! I haven’t written on my blog for a while now, but that’s all about to change!  Kind of.  I’m still not going to be writing on this blog, but I will be writing somewhere else.  Next January, we’ll be […]

Gift Doesn’t Age

How very sad that my last post was almost half a year ago. A lot can happen in a half a year. Recently I’ve been reading back through a journal I’ve been writing in on and off (much like this […]