Hump Day

That’s what Wednesday is. I feel better, cause I’m on the downhill slope of the week now. Only two classes tomorrow…already have the homework done for them. Psych class is cancelled on Friday, so all that’s left to do this […]


…is up and down. Mostly up, though. I got a 99 on my News Writing test. I almost forgot about my Psych test. I had a really good smoothie the other day. Andrew’s birthday was yesterday. My family/two Geers came […]

Straight to Business

Hello, dear reader. For some time I’ve been perusing the thought of revamping the aesthetical portion of my otherwise studly ligaments. Yesterday, as I was printing off three hundred copies of my mugshot for my numerous fans, I realized that […]

I Rock

I drove Pete’s standard-transmission car back from the laundry shack to our dupe without killing it at all. I even had to back it up off the grass up a hill onto the road. All I can say is that […]