It could be worse…

I spend a good chunk of my time watching ESPN and keeping up to date on the sports world. And there’s only one thing that people have been talking about the past couple days – and that’s the Oakland Raiders. […]

Version 5.0

Another redesign heralds my return to this forsaken blog! Q: What is the chief end of “Ansen Lays It On”? A: The chief end of “Ansen Lays it On” is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  Er… Q: What […]

Google Search

I thought Betsy’s little post on searching for her name on Google was kinda fun. I thought I would give it a try, but I realized two seconds later that I’ve searched for my name on google all the time. […]

And So It Goes

The Bloggosphere (in my circles, anyway) has passed on like the fad it was. Yet I write on. I’m married, yo. And it’s wonderful. I couldn’t ask for a more supportive and loving wife. I’m totally happy, and my first […]

Favorite Phrase:

Hello, my name is Ansen, and this is my wife Amandria. Heck YES! I am awesome/married. You know this to be true. The wedding was good. And pretty quick, which meant less time for me to fall over, faint, die, […]