My last few blogs have basically been about my daily life… which is ok.. but not typically riveting or life changing. So I was thinking today as I drove to the bank, about how I should write more about one specific thought of the day, one intriguing conversation, book, interesting idea… etc. The only problem is that I don’t have any of those… at least not recently. I think it’s because I don’t make time to just sit and think. Or maybe “process” is a better word for it. I mean, I’m in the car for an hour 4 days a week, I can’t possibly have time to think… or process… and then to write about my findings. So I guess I’ll have to settle with a laundry list of everything I did today, like waiting around for middle schoolers to get out of their testing so I could have lunch with them, sans the eating, or taking a 2-3 hour nap on the couch with the window’s open in the beautiful sunlight (have I mentioned how much I enjoy sleeping?) or that I watched several episodes of American Pickers and Pawn Stars, even though I’m really not that crazy about either show. Ok, I think that’s the run-down. In the next 20 minutes, I should do something productive.